Base Protocol

"The BASE project seeks to return the power to the LUNC community. No more begging Centralized Exchanges to implement or sustain the burn tax. The BASE Project has three simple goals: Raise funds to facilitate utility expansion on Terra Classic. Accelerate the burning of LUNC to increase value. Reward supporters of the BASE project (via Staking rewards)"

DFLunc Protocol

"DFLunc Protocol, a protocol made up of multiple smart contracts deployed for decentralized finance (DeFi) that aims to incentivize users to burn $LUNC and a pioneering solution designed to reshape the LUNA CLASSIC ecosystem and stimulate $LUNC deflation. By introducing a new tokenomics philosophy, distribution algorithm, and an innovative buyback & recycle system, our independent engineer team with passionate has established an innovative means of generating value through the creation of a unique $DFC digital asset. Experience the power of fair launches, equitable tokenomics, and community-governed protocols that inspired the inception of DFC. Crafted with a capped supply, $DFC tokens(as certificate) can exclusively be minted by burning $LUNC. Embrace the future with DFC’s cutting-edge burn & reward system, offering a dynamic alternative to traditional value delivery methods for $LUNC and $USTC. The buyback & recycle system ensures sustainable value circulation, reinforcing the protocol’s growth potential. Immerse yourself in a distinctive passive income opportunity, specifically tailored for $DFC holders, and watch your investments on Lunc thrive."

Eris Amplifier

"The ERIS Amplifier is the Liquid Staking Product of the Eris Protocol. Normally when using any kind of staking there is a un-bonding period. In the Terra ecosystem it is often 21 days. That means when un-staking tokens the user has to wait for this period to have access to their tokens again. The next evolutional step is the introduction of liquid staking. It allows users, to transfer / trade or collateralize staked coins or tokens even though they are staked and locked. Even during usage the tokens auto compound and increase in underlying value. To convert the liquid staking token back to the original token, users still need to wait 21 days - called the slow burn mechanism or immediately swap with a usually small markup. On Eris Protocol when you deposit the [TOKEN] into the Amplifier you will receive amp[TOKEN] back. Eris Protocol stakes the [TOKEN] with our monitored and checked whitelisted Validators and harvests daily the rewards. If the rewards are received in more than one token or coin, we will swap all other coins to [TOKEN] and re-stake the whole amount again. You can see the amp[TOKEN] as kind of receipt, with which you can claim your deposit plus the auto compounded rewards back."

Kujira Ghost

"Welcome to Kujira's Money Market. Mobilize your assets by lending them out to earn interest and secure working liquidity by using them as collateral. Whether it's short term or long, lending or borrowing, this is where value does more. GHOST puts your capital to work."

White Whale

"From V1, White Whale's mission to empower retail users and redistribute market influence from centralized entities to retail communities has not changed. The high barriers to entry in market-making, arbitrage, and liquidation keep retail from participating and profiting from these essential finance activities. White Whale's goal is to lower these barriers by providing the relevant infrastructure to allow everyone to participate in arbitrage, liquidations, and market making.
White Whale (WW) V2 is an interchain arbitrage infrastructure protocol. WW creates a unifying hub for a token's liquidity and then sub-divides this token's liquidity in LPs across all the cosmos chains, distributing liquidity where it is most needed. With hundreds of future blockchains coming to the cosmos ecosystem, liquidity will be severely fragmented across the blockchains with shallow LPs. WW's architecture combats this by creating: greater capital efficiency for the token liquidity because token liquidity is a coordinated pool of pools rather than multiple independent pools and improved inter-chain price stability because of greater coordinated liquidity.
Cosmos users benefit from stable and efficient markets that are more robust than if a few entities controlled the system. White Whale V2's infrastructure is not in competition with other DEXes; rather, is an ally to other DEXes by improving price stability between blockchains and direct bot traffic to DEXes which increases volume and liquidity. Markets stabilized and rendered more reliable by the WW protocol and infrastructure will attract more investors!"